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Cafe Bakery Restaurants

Drougas Bakery

Our client for his fifth retail store in Argolis assigned to Vag Design the complete retail design, including also vitrines, refrigerators, sales counters, stainless steel equipment, tables, chairs, specially designed shelves and baskets for the promotion of company products and decoration. Vag Design aim was to include in stores a cozy outside seating area and a production laboratory where the clients can monitor how their favorite breads, brioche and sweets are made. So the result was to create a unique atmosphere for the clients with the smell of fresh products that came out of the oven.

  • Name

    Drougas Bakery

  • Location

    Porto Heli, Argolis, Greece

  • Client

    Nikolaos Drougas

  • Project Delivery


  • Photocredits

    Georgios Vagavanidis

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